A Message From The NLGJA-NorCal Presidents

Even if you didn’t go to the national NLGJA convention, if you’ve been reading Poynter this week you are aware that NLGJA national accepted $10,000 from Stolichnaya vodka for a networking mixer called Night Out Boston. This news was originally reported by Student...

The Road to the NLGJA Hall of Fame

By Mark Segal (Publisher, Philadelphia Gay News) What surprised me most at the National Lesbian Gay Journalists Association annual convention in Boston last week was the concern for print media. Granted, print media is having a hard time at present; it doesn’t know...

2013 Board of Directors Election

nlgja_logo.jpg Dear NLGJA Members, It's NLGJA election time, and we need your vote to help decide who will serve on the NLGJA Board of Directors.All NLGJA members are eligible to vote in national advisory elections. Membership dues must be paid and...
Mark Segal

Mark Segal

Mark Allan Segal, born in 1953, founded Philadelphia Gay News as a monthly in 1976, after being inspired by Frank Kameny when they met in 1970. Segal has been publisher of the now-weekly newspaper ever since. Today, PGN, as it’s often known, is one of the two oldest...