Breaking Barriers Convention Assistance Fund

NLGJA endevors to provide assistance in the form of free full or partial convention registration at early bird rates to as many members possible. Unfortunately, we often cannot provide assistance to all who request help.NLGJA members interested in getting assistance...

CONNECT: The NLGJA Student Journalism Project

connect-vert.jpg The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) is hosting its student journalism project, Connect, at the 2014 LGBT Media Summit & Convention on August 17-24, in Chicago. Each year, NLGJA chooses students from across the...

Leadership change at The New York Times

100920_new_york_times_building_ap_328.jpg The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association would like to congratulate Dean Baquet on becoming the first African-American executive editor of The New York Times. NLGJA believes diversity improves news coverage and...