NLGJA Stylebook: “Bisexual”

NLGJA’s Stylebook Supplement on LGBT Terminology is intended to complement the prose stylebooks of individual publications, as well as the Associated Press stylebook, the leading stylebook in U.S. newsrooms. It reflects the association’s mission of...

Why I’m Headed to San Francisco

By Jen Christensen NLGJA Vice President, Broadcast Producer, CNN I’m attending the 20th anniversary of NLGJA this year, and if you’re a journalist or someone in the public relations field, I hope you will attend, too. It’s hard to believe I’ve...

Poynter Institute Training for NLGJA Members

Looking for some additional training to give your journalism career a jump start? Or perhaps you’d like a refresher course to brush up your skills. The Poynter Institute offers multiple ways to sharpen your journalistic talents, and NLJGA members can have access...