LGBT Journalists Hall of Fame: Jim Kepner

Established in 2005 as part of NLGJA’s 15th anniversary celebration, the LGBT Journalists Hall of Fame was launched to honor LGBT journalists who have shown courage and resolve by telling the truth, including their own personal truths, whatever the cost and whatever...

The Ethics of Heckling Bill

When you are Bill Clinton and you decide to speak to a crowd of progressive bloggers, you should be prepared for some fireworks. And fireworks there were, when Clinton said gay blogger Lane Hudson would feel comfortable as a member of the mobs at the health care town meetings after Hudson interrupted Clinton with questions about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act.

LGBT Journalists Hall of Fame: Don Slater

Established in 2005 as part of NLGJA’s 15th anniversary celebration, the LGBT Journalists Hall of Fame was launched to honor LGBT journalists who have shown courage and resolve by telling the truth, including their own personal truths, whatever the cost and whatever...

“HIV Virus” Is Redundant

Certain phrases prove to be difficult to erase once they have been written into our language. “HIV virus” is one of those phrases. “HIV virus” is redundant. The word “virus” is already included in the acronym of the human...