Revisiting a Milestone

In 2002, at the urging of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, the New York Times changed its policy and ran its first wedding announcement for a same-sex couple.  The couple, Daniel Gross and Steven Goldstein, entered into a civil union in Vermont on...

Au Revoir, Montreal

Over the next week, the Re:Act bloggers who attended NLGJA’s 2009 convention will be posting a number of blogs about the event to share the wisdom to those who missed it.  To get rolling, here are some links to coverage of the convention by participants in the...

Bonjour from Montreal

Montreal is the center of LGBT media and LGBT journalism issues this week as NLGJA has its national conference in this great city.  There will be light blogging from the conference, but the bloggers are going to try to provide some updates from the event. This...