Havana Rights

I will admit up front that I will be among the first in line to visit Cuba once the U.S. government eases travel restrictions to the island.  Ever since I saw the movie–and, okay, read the book–Before Night Falls by Reinaldo Arenas, I’ve wanted to...

Lost in Translation

For the September 2009 issue of POZ, I wrote an article titled “Lost in Translation” discussing media coverage of HIV/AIDS in the Latino community. I took to task the mainstream media and the Latino media. They ignore the problem completely or provide too...

Spanish F-Word Makes Headlines

Discussing the use of epithets on this blog has been and will continue to be a challenge. An exchange in the comments section of a recent post titled “Gays and God and Obama” by fellow NLGJA blogger Michael Triplett is a great example. A reader used the...

Covering Stonewall

With the 40th Anniversary of Stonewall coming up this weekend, it’s worth pointing out two good examples of the use of multimedia to tell the story of Stonewall and the LGBT civil rights movement. The first was coordinated by my former colleague (and current...

“Lavender Propaganda” at NPR

I was asked quite unexpectedly last week to be a guest on “Talk of the Nation” on National Public Radio (NPR) to discuss coming out as gay and HIV positive. One of their researchers liked the article (“Coming Out Again”) that I had written for...