by Bach Polakowski | May 13, 2012 | Michael R. Triplett
The moment it was announced, there was immediate talk of the irony that ABC’s Good Morning, America’s Robin Roberts got the big Obama interview on same-sex marriage because she was allegedly a lesbian. I knew there was gossip about Roberts, but there was...
by Bach Polakowski | Mar 30, 2012 | Michael R. Triplett
It’s difficult for some journalists, especially LGBT journalists, to figure out how they feel about the GLAAD Commentator Accountability Project. While it has been praised by some, it has raised concerns from others. Kelly McBride of the Poynter...
by Bach Polakowski | Mar 4, 2012 | Michael R. Triplett
In the bad old days of covering the gay community, covering bar arrests and sex stings was de rigeur. Pictures of men being hauled from bar for being in “homosexual establishments” have been iconic symbols of pre- and post-Stonewall America. If you think...
by Bach Polakowski | Aug 29, 2011 | Michael R. Triplett
Since our last post on how journalists should deal with the sexuality of new Apple CEO Tim Cook, an interesting debate has emerged over the ethics of “outing” Cook. Felix Salmon, a Reuters blogger, kicked things off by saying: Tim Cook is now the most...
by Bach Polakowski | Aug 25, 2011 | Michael R. Triplett
As NLGJA’s annual convention begins today in Philadelphia, the national news provides one of the enduring ethical questions when covering LGBT folks: when do we say someone is gay (or lesbian or bisexual or transgender)? From our very first convention where...