Banning the F-Word

I believe that certain words should be off limits (at least to some people). To my taste, “faggot” is one of those words. When used against a man who has sex with men, I believe it’s equivalent to the N-word. In this context, I’ll refer to it...

Putting the “B” in LGBT

The Bi Writers Association (BWA) on Saturday, May 30, hosted the inaugural National Summit on Putting the “B” in LGBT at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center in New York City. The all-day event was an impressive gathering of bisexual...

Introduction: Oriol Gutierrez

Let’s get two things straight: My first name is pronounced like the bird from the baseball team the Baltimore Orioles (not like the Oreo cookie), but I spell it without an “e” at the end. My parents are from Cuba, but I was born and raised in New York City. I’m...