Coming Out in Fashion & Style

“Celebrities Come Out, Without Fanfare” was the title of a recent article in The New York Times by Jeremy Peters about the “trend” of celebrities coming out without much reaction from the general public. The article focuses on the aftermath of...

The Washington Blade Returns

The Washington Blade returned to the D.C. LGBT media market on April 30. From the front cover: With this issue, we reclaim and re-launch the Washington Blade, your LGBTQ newspaper of record for more than 40 years … But the DC Agenda remains part of our identity;...

NYT on The Equestrian and HIV

The media are sometimes taken to task by critics (myself included) for a lack of coverage of HIV/AIDS in general or for unfair and/or inaccurate HIV/AIDS coverage in particular. So it’s nice to be able to point out good examples of HIV/AIDS coverage when they...

Eleveld Asks Gibbs About DADT

The Justice Department recently issued a brief defending “don’t ask, don’t tell” that uses a 1993 quote in favor of the policy from Colin Powell, who now supports repeal of DADT. Having the Obama administration on the one hand advocating for...