Nominations are now being accepted for chapter president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.
Nominations deadline: Aug. 9, 2013
All nominees must be members in good standing for at least one year by the time of the election. Eligible members may nominate themselves or any other eligible member. Anonymous nominations are not allowed.
All candidates must fill out their own nomination form. Please copy and then fill out the information below if you are seeking a position. Nominations must be submitted to NLGJA Elections Chair David Steinberg at by Aug. 9, 2013.
In the event of a contested election, online voting will be made available to current members until 5 p.m., Friday, Aug. 16, 2013.
National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association Election Nominee Form
This form has been created to compile candidates' professional information more efficiently and quickly and to vet individual qualifications more effectively.
Nominees for NLGJA local offices — both new candidates and those planning to run for re-election — shall be required to submit this application detailing, among other things, their journalism and media experience, current employment status and a statement explaining why they are seeking office. The elections chair and staff shall use the information to confirm the nominees' membership status and eligibility for office. Upon request, non-confidential information in the application shall be made available to the voting membership.
Officers and board director candidates must be members in good standing
Nominees must have been paid-up members for at least one year by the time of the election.
Please note that the platform section will be used as your official statement that will be distributed to our voting membership.
Chapter affiliation:________________________________________________________
Home address:______________________________________________________
E-mail address:
Day phone number:
Evening phone number:
Member Number: ________________________________________________________
What NLGJA office are you seeking?
Select one:
President | Vice President | Treasurer | Secretary
Your employer:
If you are self-employed or a freelancer, simply state “Self-employed” or “Freelance,” as well as your company name, if applicable.
Your title/position:__________________________________________________________
Below, please supply a statement discussing why you wish to run for the above mentioned position. This will serve as your official “platform” that will be provided to our voting members. Your statement must not exceed 200 words.
The Election Nominee Form must be submitted by Aug. 9, 2013, to Elections Chair David Steinberg at or to the national office (Elections Chair, NLGJA, 2120 L St. N.W., Suite 850, Washington, D.C. 20037).
Promptly after the close of nominations, the Elections Chair shall gather all nominee information and determine the eligibility of each candidate. If any candidate is determined to be ineligible, the Elections Coordinator shall notify the chapter board, which shall confirm or overrule a determination of ineligibility.