If you’re a journalist, you should be a member of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association. To do so says you not only care about fair and accurate coverage of millions of people in America, but also that you care how they’re treated in the workplace. And you do care. Most likely this person is right down the hall from you.
NLGJA is the one organization that does not carry any agenda with the LGBT community other than reporting the facts and helping fellow journalists out. This unique position allows journalists, who must remain neutral in such news discussions, the ability to get involved in the news about their own community. NLGJA cares about the careers of all journalists, their network, their ability to get a new job, their ability to keep their current one. What journalist wouldn’t want a group of advocates listening and educating on their behalf?
Although many organizations are now providing workplace benefits for spouses or partners, many other organizations still don’t. Many in the LGBT community are afraid to be open about their own families. They won’t put pictures of loved ones up on their desk. They won’t bring their spouses or partners to company celebrations. They are afraid to write about their own people. Imagine a work environment where suddenly your day-to-day life and family were no longer appropriate at the office water cooler.
With the recent economic downturn, and with so many journalists out of work, the LGBT story is often cast aside, or given to someone with little experience in covering the community. There is a history to this minority. The sources needed from both sides of the discussion, the approved and appropriate style of telling their story, this will be lost without support from more than simply the minority itself. It requires all journalists to care enough to volunteer their time, their spare change, and their voice to represent others.
These are your peers. Show them you support their family and their career. Proudly tell them you’ve joined NLGJA. Boast around the office of your participation. Let your peers know, and your company know, that although the LGBT community is a minority, their story deserves to be told and told well. Those who are LGBT deserve to live a healthy work life. Those who are not in the community should do their part to help them do it.